Server Information
This webpage provides information about the Hacker News MCP (Model Context Protocol) server, a tool designed to fetch and structure data from Hacker News for use with applications like the Claude AI assistant. It details the server's features, installation process, usage, integration with Claude, error handling, and development aspects.
ā Key Points:
* The hn-server is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server.
* It extracts and structures data from Hacker News.
* It's designed to integrate with AI tools like Claude.
* It supports fetching different types of Hacker News stories: top, new, ask, show, jobs.
* It provides structured data including titles, URLs, points, authors, timestamps, and comment counts.
š Main Findings:
* The server allows users to fetch stories from Hacker News with a specified limit (1-30, default 10).
* The server installation involves cloning the repository, installing dependencies, building the server, and configuring the MCP settings.
* For VSCode Claude extension, the settings are added to VSCode Settings JSON.
* It integrates with the Claude desktop app and VSCode Claude extension.
* It contains robust error handling for various issues like invalid story types or network failures.
* The project uses TypeScript, Model Context Protocol SDK, Axios, and Cheerio.
š Details:
* The server provides one primary tool: `get_stories`.
* `get_stories` has the following parameters: `type` (string, options: 'top', 'new', 'ask', 'show', 'jobs', default: 'top') and `limit` (number, range: 1-30, default: 10).
* The configuration file location is`~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claudedesktopconfig.json` (macOS) and `%APPDATA%\Claude\claudedesktopconfig.json` (Windows) for the Claude desktop app.
* The Story Object contains the following values: title (string), url (string, optional), points (number), author (string), time (string), commentCount (number), and rank (number).
* There are 6 commits, 11 stars, 2 forks, and 3 contributors.
* The project uses 100% JavaScript.
* The project is under MIT License.
šÆ Conclusion:
The hn-server offers a way to access Hacker News data in a structured format, specifically geared towards enabling integration with AI tools such as Claude. The project is open to contributions.
Server Features
Story Fetching
Fetch different types of stories (top, new, ask, show, jobs)
Structured Data Output
Get structured data including titles, URLs, points, authors, timestamps, and comment counts
Configurable Limit
Configurable limit on number of stories returned
Error Handling and Validation
Clean error handling and validation
Provider Information
cloud Provider