Perplexity MCP Server

Perplexity MCP Server


About This Server

MCP Server for the Perplexity API.

Server Information

šŸ“‹ Overview:

This webpage is the GitHub repository page for "mcp-server-perplexity," a project by tanigami. It provides a general overview of the repository, including its description, components, quickstart instructions, and installation guidelines. The repository contains the code and resources for creating a Media Control Protocol (MCP) server that interfaces with the Perplexity API.

ā­ Key Points:
* Repository name: mcp-server-perplexity
* Owner: tanigami
* Description: MCP Server for the Perplexity API.
* License: MIT license
* Tools: ask_perplexity (Request chat completion with citations from Perplexity)

* Limitations: The Claude Desktop client may timeout if Perplexity processing takes too long, Long running operations and progress reporting are yet to be supported in Claude Desktop.

šŸ” Main Findings:
* The repository is public and contains code for a MCP server utilizing the Perplexity API.
* The README file provides a description of the project and instructions for setting it up with Claude Desktop.
* The project has a MIT License.
* There are 40 stars and 18 forks.

* The primary language used in the repository is Python (100%).

šŸ“Š Details:
* The overview section includes links to the README, LICENSE, activity, releases, contributors, and the number of stars, watchers, and forks.
* The code section lists the files and folders within the repository.
* The about section contains data regarding its license, community stats, and links to external resources.

* The Claude Desktop installation instructions involve modifying the `claudedesktopconfig.json` file to include MCP server configurations.

šŸŽÆ Conclusion:
The "mcp-server-perplexity" repository on GitHub is a project providing code and instructions to run a local Media Control Protocol server for the Perplexity API.

Server Features


Request chat completion with citations from Perplexity

Provider Information

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