Video Editor MCP server
Server Information
This webpage provides information about the "video-editing-mcp" GitHub repository, which hosts the MCP (Model Context Protocol) Interface for Video Jungle. It outlines the repository's purpose, components, usage, configuration, and development setup. It also provides details on how to install the software and contribute to the project.
ā Key Points:
* The repository hosts an MCP Interface designed for interacting with Video Jungle, facilitating video uploading, editing, searching, and generation.
* The MCP Interface allows users to upload, generate, and edit videos with a custom vj:// URI scheme.
* The main tools include add-video, search-videos, generate-edit-from-videos, and generate-edit-from-single-video.
* Instructions are provided for installing the MCP via Smithery, including adjusting the claudedesktopconfig.json file.
* The project utilizes Python, Swift, and Shell languages.
š Main Findings:
* The "video-editing-mcp" project aims to provide a streamlined interface between LLMs and Video Jungle for video manipulation tasks.
* The repository offers multiple tools.
* The instructions provided assume the user has a Video Jungle account and API key.
š Details:
* The repository consists of Python, Swift, and Shell.
* The project can be installed using Smithery AI and requires configuration of the Claude Desktop settings.
šÆ Conclusion:
The "video-editing-mcp" repository on GitHub provides the necessary tools and documentation to integrate with Video Jungle using the Model Context Protocol, enabling AI-driven video editing workflows within the Claude environment. The instructions guide users through installation, configuration, and debugging processes to leverage the platform's capabilities.
Server Features
Video Management
Upload, edit, search, and generate videos from everyone's favorite LLM and Video Jungle.
Custom URI Scheme
Custom vj:// URI scheme for accessing individual videos and projects
Project Resources
Each project resource has a name, description
Searchable Videos with Metadata
Search results are returned with metadata about what is in the video, and when, allowing for edit generation directly
Provider Information
cloud Provider